Thursday 29 November 2012

Tuesday 9 October 2012


This is the script for our media produciton, the numbers are the scene numbers so we can refer back to our storyboard in order to know in which scene the dialogue will be in.

Charlie (voiceover) : Dearest Charlotte, I feel  I should explain my situation to you, as I am afraid I shall be imposing upon your hospitality , you see my father has passed, leaving me with nothing to my name, I have come to the country to make a new life for myself, I can only hope you will accept my presence.
11 :
C: I must thank you again, Charlotte, for taking me in like this, it was most hospitable.
V: you are my dearest friend how could I not, you really owe your thanks to Lord Ashdown, for he is the landlord and owner of my house, who allowed you to stay here.
C:  it was very kind of him to allow me to stay with you, however I dare say if he is the owner of this estate he must be tremendously wealthy, and have more money than sense!
V: (laugh)
LA: (walks up behind her) ah yes, I have indeed been told this many at time, so much so that I believe it to be true myself! (handshake/kiss hand) Lord Ashdown.
C: Oh this is most embarrassing – I did not mean-
LA: (interrupts) No no, do not worry, I find it most amusing, who may I have the pleasure of meeting?
C: (courtseys) Marriane Pembroke.
LA: An honour to meet you Miss Pembroke, I hope you enjoy your stay, I must depart however we will meet again soon I’m sure of it.
LA & C & V exit.
16 : (voiceover)
C: What do you know of Lord Ashdown?
V: I know that he is highly esteemed by all, well respected, and handsome, but then you know that for yourself.
F: How nice to meet you, Arthur has not told me about you! I am his fiancé, we are to be married within the year.
C: (looks shocked)
C Why have you never told me you were to be married!
LA: because I realised too late I was marrying the wrong person, I never chose to marry Elizabeth, the engagement was forced upon me.
F: Dont worry my love, as soon as I have wed that abomination Ashdown, we shall elope with his fortune!

You should learn to be less inquisitive for it can only do you more harm than good! If you tell Arthur understand that I shall make every living moment unbearable for you.  He shall believe you to be a deceitful wretch!
LA: we cannot be together, I have to stay faithful to Elizabeth, it would be a sin to leave her,
C: don’t you see, we have already sinned  - we have all been caught up in lies and deceit – there is nothing left for us now.

42/43: voiceover:  I fear I cannot keep this secret, it will destroy me.

Monday 8 October 2012


Set in the Georgian Era - 1700s,  Marianne Pembroke's father dies, leaving her no inheritance or home, she leaves the town to find refuge in the country and stay with her friend Charlotte. She meets Lord Arthur Ashdown, who believes Marianne is a wealthy heiress who is staying with Charlotte for the summer, they find themselves drawn to each other. However he has a fiance, Elizabeth, which makes it impossible for Arthur to admit his true feelings to Marianne, as he feels he has to stay faithful to Elizabeth. However Elizabeth is hiding secrets of her own; she plans to marry Ashdown and use his fortune to elope with another man. Marianne discovers what she has been hiding, and after being blackmailed by Elizabeth with the threat that she will expose Marianne's true identity to Arthur, Marianne has to make the decision whether to tell Ashdown and risk him casting her aside, or keep a secret that would mean Arthur entering a marriage of lies and deceit .


Thursday 20 September 2012

Analysis of Trailers

Trailer Sound Analysis: Snowhite and the Huntsman & Mirror Mirror

In this post I analyse the use of sound in the following trailers; Snowhite and the Huntsman and Mirror Mirror. I looked at the way the different types of audio are layered and used, and  how they fit into the timings of the trailers.

Snowhite and the Hunstman :

This trailer included many different sound effects, many more than the "Mirror Mirror" trailer, this could have been done to add dramatic effect to the events in the trailer. There was also use of a voice over, at the beginning of the trailer, this could have been done to add some narration to the story. There was only one score of music throughout the trailer, which acted as background music to the dialogue, sound effects, and voiceover. Similar to Mirror Mirror, there were pauses in the music to allow the characters dialogue, however instead of this being done for comic effect, this is done to add dramatic effect to the characters dialogue.

Mirror Mirror :

This trailer used many different layers of sound, instead of having one main score of background music like "Snowhite and the Huntsman" it had changing background music to suit the moments in the trailer. This trailer also didn't use as many sound effects as the "Snowhite and the Huntsman" trailer, however there were still varied uses of sound effects. The background music often stopped momentarily to allow the dialogue between characters to be more prominent, this could have been done for comic effect.

Codes and Conventions of Period Drama

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Movie Posters:

Movie posters have several main conventions, they all have a tagline, billing block title and release date. The use of layering images in movie posters is very common too, in order to create dimensions within the poster.

Period drama posters all follow similar conventions, they usually always show the main character at the forefront of the poster, and may include the supporting characters too, such as in this poster for "The Duchess".

This poster shows the key character in the forefront, showing her importance, whilst the other characters are in the background showing how they are not the main focus of the story, but are still an important part of the plot.

The colour schemes in period drama posters are often muted soft colours, this could be done to show the mood and feel of the film, and also to appeal to the mostly female audience, as muted soft pastel colours would appeal to them more. An example of this is in this poster for Pride and Prejudice :

The colour scheme in this poster is very bright and light, the use of the golden tones add warmth and the overall feel of the poster is a more cheerful and bright feel.

Another feature of period drama posters is the layout, for example using the title of the film in the middle of the poster to divide two pictures, as done in this poster for Atonement.
This poster is effective as it shows the audience the name of the film and the two main characters. The use of the different backgrounds also give a hint as to the characters backstory, the use of the poppys and the war scenes in both pictures suggest to the audience about the genre and the time it is set.

Overall, we shall be taking these codes and conventions of period drama film posters into account when we are desgining our own, in order for them to look as proffesional and authentic as possible.


Thursday 19 July 2012

Conclusion: Genres

Narrative Stucture in Trailers :

Build up/problem:
Jane Eyre
 The opening is brief, and introduces the main character and some backstory of the characters life.
The problems are introduced early in the trailer before the relationships are established.
The events take up most of the trailer, there is a trailer rush at the end showing even more events.
The opening introduces characters and establishes relationships to engage the audience.
The problem is introduced in the middle and towards the end of the trailer, this raises questions about the events in the film.
A lot of events introduced before the problem was established, this creates an engine.
The Huger Games
The location and the dystopian world are introduced, the characters are introduced and relationships established, in order to set up the problems.
Problems are established early on in the trailer, through the dialogue between the characters and builds up to the main problem.
A few events shown, however only shows the events from the beginning of the film. Raises questions as towards what will happen later on eg the trailer ends with the start of the Hunger Games.
District 9
Introduces location, it doesn’t establish the characters to keep the mystery of the problem.
Shows the problem and establishes it. It doesn’t go into more detail about the problems.
Not many events shown, hints at the plotline but doesn’t show anything that happens in the film. There are only short news clips of events.
Introduces few characters, doesn’t establish relationships.
Small problems introduced towards the middle and end of trailer.
No big events shown, all small problems belonging to each character, there is a trailer rush of events at the end.
Mean Girls
Character is introduced through voice over and backstory is established, location also established to familiarise audience with character.
Shows conflict in the middle of the trailer, establishes problems and introduces villain.
Events shown through the middle of the trailer, gives the audience a brief plotline, shows a lot of what happens in the film.

Monday 25 June 2012

A Level Media Coursework Blog

This is my A Level media coursework blog, I will be posting the stages of research and planning, the final production and the evaluation of my work on here.