Thursday 19 July 2012

Narrative Stucture in Trailers :

Build up/problem:
Jane Eyre
 The opening is brief, and introduces the main character and some backstory of the characters life.
The problems are introduced early in the trailer before the relationships are established.
The events take up most of the trailer, there is a trailer rush at the end showing even more events.
The opening introduces characters and establishes relationships to engage the audience.
The problem is introduced in the middle and towards the end of the trailer, this raises questions about the events in the film.
A lot of events introduced before the problem was established, this creates an engine.
The Huger Games
The location and the dystopian world are introduced, the characters are introduced and relationships established, in order to set up the problems.
Problems are established early on in the trailer, through the dialogue between the characters and builds up to the main problem.
A few events shown, however only shows the events from the beginning of the film. Raises questions as towards what will happen later on eg the trailer ends with the start of the Hunger Games.
District 9
Introduces location, it doesn’t establish the characters to keep the mystery of the problem.
Shows the problem and establishes it. It doesn’t go into more detail about the problems.
Not many events shown, hints at the plotline but doesn’t show anything that happens in the film. There are only short news clips of events.
Introduces few characters, doesn’t establish relationships.
Small problems introduced towards the middle and end of trailer.
No big events shown, all small problems belonging to each character, there is a trailer rush of events at the end.
Mean Girls
Character is introduced through voice over and backstory is established, location also established to familiarise audience with character.
Shows conflict in the middle of the trailer, establishes problems and introduces villain.
Events shown through the middle of the trailer, gives the audience a brief plotline, shows a lot of what happens in the film.

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