Thursday 20 September 2012

Trailer Sound Analysis: Snowhite and the Huntsman & Mirror Mirror

In this post I analyse the use of sound in the following trailers; Snowhite and the Huntsman and Mirror Mirror. I looked at the way the different types of audio are layered and used, and  how they fit into the timings of the trailers.

Snowhite and the Hunstman :

This trailer included many different sound effects, many more than the "Mirror Mirror" trailer, this could have been done to add dramatic effect to the events in the trailer. There was also use of a voice over, at the beginning of the trailer, this could have been done to add some narration to the story. There was only one score of music throughout the trailer, which acted as background music to the dialogue, sound effects, and voiceover. Similar to Mirror Mirror, there were pauses in the music to allow the characters dialogue, however instead of this being done for comic effect, this is done to add dramatic effect to the characters dialogue.

Mirror Mirror :

This trailer used many different layers of sound, instead of having one main score of background music like "Snowhite and the Huntsman" it had changing background music to suit the moments in the trailer. This trailer also didn't use as many sound effects as the "Snowhite and the Huntsman" trailer, however there were still varied uses of sound effects. The background music often stopped momentarily to allow the dialogue between characters to be more prominent, this could have been done for comic effect.

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